1. Step 1
Access the Clients section
2. step 2
Select the option to add a new client
3. Step 3
Enter the client's first name
4. Step 4
Navigate to the next field and enter their last name
5. Step 5
Navigate to the next field
6. Step 6
Enter the client's phone number
7. Step 7
Enter the client's email
8. Step 8
Access the Notification Settings, as this allows you to customise what messages you want this customer to receive
9. Step 9
Choose which notification types you want your customer to receive.
10. Step 10
Now we have created a basic client record, lets save.
11. Step 11
Now lets add a pet, Access the Pets section
12. Step 12
Select the field to add a pet name
13. Step 13
Enter the pet's name.
14. Step 14
Navigate to the next field
15. Step 15
Start typing to filter the pet breed.
16. Step 16
Select the breed from the breed options
17. Step 17
Select the pet's gender.
18. Step 18
Select the option for the pets behavior
19. Step 19
Save the pet information and now your ready to schedule their first appointment
In this guide, you learned how to add a basic new client to Shakeyourtail, set notification settings for the client, and add a pet with relevant details.