This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively create and send documents, which can be sent to your clients either via text, or email.
1. Step 1
Navigate to the "Documents" section.
2. Step 2
Select the "Add Template" option.
3. Step 3
Give your document a name.
4. Step 4
Now you have the option to to request your customer to sign the document and send it back to you. Alternatively, you can leave it as read only.
5. Step 5
6. Step 6
This tab down here gives you the opportunity to add tags, such as the clients name or surname, or any tags that you have created,
7. Step 7
Now you can create your document. You can change fonts, colours and layouts to make it eye catching and engaging for your customer.
8. Step 9
Once you are happy with it, select the "Add" option.
9. Step 10
Now you have a new template.
10. Step 11
To send a document to a customer, simply open up their record card.
11. Step 12
Open up the owners information.
12. Step 13
Navigate here
13. Step 14
Click on the "Send Doc" button.
14. Step 15
Select one of your templates.
15. Step 16
Select the "Deposits" option.
16. Step 17
17. Step 18
You can also add an extra note for the client to see when they receive the document.
18. Step 19
Now select whether you would like the document sent via text, email or both.
19. Step 20
20. Step 21
Click on the "Send" button.
21. Step 22
22. Step 23
Now you can see that the document has sent, and whether it requires a signature. If it does, the system will also display whether your client has done this yet, and even gives you the option to resend if needed.
In this guide, you learned how to add a document or contract.